saye tak mahu die tahu sape saye sebagaimana saye tahu die, org yg berkenaan, pls keep my identity. hehe. tu syarat sy letak utk berkawan dgn die. NOKTAH
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
ayah, happy birthday!
he is my hero...
happy birthday ayah...this time, i kalah dgn my sis. sbb die dulu yg wish ayah.aaaaa T__T
tp act, sy mmg kalah tiap2 tahun sbb every year my sis akan remind me bile birthday my parents. i m not good in memorizing birthday org. nsb bek ade 2 org adek beradik je. kalo tak, jenuh sy nk hafal sume birthday.hehe.
i noe my dad tak kan bace blog. i noe my dad tak penh tahu ape yg sy tulis kat sini. but m pretty sure my dad faham dan tahu perasaan anak dara die ni walaupon sy tk pernah btaw die ape2. agak2 kalo sy tgh dilamun cinta, ayah ley detect tak? i guess yes he can cume, die buat tak tahu sje. tunggu sy bgtau die sndiri secara officialnye. :) :)
act, honestly, frankly, ayah la semangat sy nk belajar. with mak by his side. having both of them, sudah cukup buat sy utk rse disayangi dan dihargai. yes, i admit, sometimes i feel lonely without having bf, tp dgn adenye mrk ni, sy rse sudah cukup kasih syg. sudah cukup buat sy bersemangat utk belajar di saat org len dh rase mls. alhamdulillah.
ayah, jarang berkata2. tp setiap patah ayat yg dikeluarkan mmg berkesan di hati. sy xperlu teguran secara formal. ape yg sy perlu hanyalah keikhlasan dalam luahan tu. dan ayah ade sume tu. ayh seorang yg perfectionist, very cerewet dlm soal kekemasan, very strict dlm bab2 smyg, very strict dlm bab2 pakaian...but he's so gentle in the way he raised both of us. ayah jrg marah, tp sekali die marah, abis laa gunung berapi. sume tu saye warisi dalam diri saya. beware!hehehe
ayah, my PA sejak dr kecik smpai besar. org yg selalu teman sy shopping kat kbmall (smpai skrg), org yg selalu pilihkan jeans utk saye, org yg selalu pilihkan kain utk baju raye saye, org yg pilihkan kemeja (utk interview) dan org yg akan sy rujuk dlm ape2 hal. having ayah dlm setiap mase, tak bermkna sy adelah org yg tak reti nk buat keputusan sendiri. cume, sy mahu belajar dy ayah. bagaimana ayah buat keputusan. ayah, adelah org yg tak kan sy belakangkan dlm ape2 jua hal. :)
jiwa sastera dlm diri ayah, yes did inherit them. sifat ayah yg ley buat semua mnde, tu yg sy jeles. ayah bley lukis plan rumah, ayah bley buat wiring, ayah ley buat rumah batu, ayah ley beki n jd mechanic beki kereta, ayah ley ajar sy psl mechanical even ayah bukan blajar engineering sbb ayah ajar sastera, ayah ley latih sy smpai jd best pidato negeri, ayah ley sumenye. dan sy berharap sy dpt jd mcm ayah. sy tk kisah ayah sy bukan Dato' , menteri, Tan sri, org tak kisah. sy tak kisah rumah kami kecil. rumah kami rumah kampung bse je. sy tak kisah sy pakai kereta lama ayah pegi keja (wpon mcm2 org kate), sume sy tak kisah sbb bg sy ape yg ayah bagi, itulah yg sy akan terima. rumah kami kecil, tp besar dgn kasih syg. rumah kami rumah kayu, tp tiangnye bertongkatkan dgn seribu harapan.
thanks ayah. sbb jd ayah kah selama ni. terima kasih utk segalanya. moga Allah tunaikan impian ayah nk tgk kah dpt yg terbaik mase grad nnt. insyaAllah. moga Allah pnjgkan umur ayah, spy kah dpt belikan sst utk ayah bl dh kerja. moga Allah bg ayah kesihatan spy kah dpt bwe ayah ngn mak jalan2 bl kah dh keja nnt. moga kt terus bahagia, smpai ke syurga ALLAH.
special note: jika kah jumpa org mcm ayah nnt, then at that time i will tell u dad that i m ready to have my own family :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
dia to the fullest!~
i dun noe, betol ke ayat title my blog tu. study to fullest. men cekup jek..rsenye selama ni dgr org ckp life to the fullest (ye ker..m not sure gak la) -___-"
seyes, so penat ok, exhausted! study dr kol 9 smpai 6 smbung lagi mlm. behnti sbb tido or g kaco org. spend the whole time kat library. ni sume pasal gara2 test 2 yg sgt la x memuaskan. sudahnye kena study tahap ape ntah. mcm skrg! petang bekejar cr lecturer, awal2 pgi gelabah beki report FYP. x siap2 lagi. ahaha. life, u'r such 'beautiful' :) :) mlm ni pon i dh takde selera nk makan nasi. hilang nafsu makan. myb too tired! at last beli roti planta 2 biji ngn roti john. ngn minum milo panas. tula dinner saya mlm ni.
ok, kuar topik jap, td, mse study, ttb saye rse sungguh sedy. nasib baek x menitik air mata. ceeh, eh betul sbb depan tu adelah ssorg. mula nye otak saye ok jek. tp up to 1 point, gle sayu. mcm2 perasaan wujud. ntah bape kali saye bace doa mse study. mst kalo org tgk, pehal la minah ni. kejap2 bace doa. taw sy mintak ape? minta Allah bg kekuatan. sy x kan tukar utk g study meja len. sbb tu menunjukkan sy ni coward. n sy xnk kalah dgn perasaan. mcm2 sy buat psg lagu kuat2 la...buat2 busy la. sume x berjaya. sehingga la, sy pasang surah sajadah. sy dgr berulang2 kali. smpai sy rse boley senyum. dan saye mmg senyum sbb hati time tu mmg tiba2 jek tukar jd kuat. x rse sedey, tp rse happy. hebatkan kuasa ALLAH ni. alhamdulillah :)
lps tu, ntah la ape nye perasaan bertukar jd mcm nk tolong die. nk tolong ape tak taw.haha. pelik2. mmg sy x suke die dl. DULU. skrg, sy mintak Allah pusingkan hati sy utk sayangkan die. pelik? mmg saye pelik. KA ckp reverse psychology. kalo org x suke kt, kt jgn la x suke org tu. mest reverse. then, sbb tu la mst sayang dan suke die. make sense tak? hahaha. kalo korang x faham ape yg sy merapu2 ni, then anggaplah ni terkuar topik jap :)
die ade paper ptg ni. then i asked someone utk convey my regards and wish that person goodluck. i dunt noe impression that person if die tahu saye...ntah, sy tak kisah. mse nk kuar ptg td, g makan, sy pndang CH. dalam hati ttb terdetik, "dik, akak doakan awk boley jawab. yes u can do it. insyaAllah.." huu, jarang nk ada terdetik mcm ni kecuali pd certain2 org yg rapat dgn saye. dan tuan empunya diri tak pnh tahu bila kt buat mcm tu. haha, it just a way that i want to do and yet it make me happy. hehehehe...
owh yer, i jumpa satu buku best kat library, A step to Nowhere. sy nk pnjam tp rse dh terlmabt sbb sy nk buat clearance dah. so sume mnde tak ley pnjam. saye jap bl sebut psl ni. mse dh tak lama....T___T okla, sy rse sy kena stop. sbb almost 8.13pm. need to go to irc. till then papai~
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
just entered the back door with nad and suddenly realised that 'tudung' already berbasuh. masih menitik2 lagi. i smiled as i thought she was here. and i was looking for her small slippers, but its nowhere. ???
then, i pm her rumet...asking for that question.
me: ur rumet dh balik?
that girl: lom esok katanye
me: nape tudung die mcm berbasuh? T__T
that girl: haha, sy yg basuhkan. nape? akak rindu die ker?hikhik
me: T___T
owh, yet, she's not around. just a hope, wanna share with her something. xpelah, that's what i told myself. somehow, i realised 1 thing; i dont have much time left for her...even she'll be ere tomorrow since most of my time- in irc! but, i'll always remember her all the time.insyaAllah..that's all. pen off. wslm...
Starfish...its have 5 legs. legs ke hand??i think both incorrect.haha..rays la darling. forgive me ok? 5rays represent us. 5 of us. this is my last study group. and i enjoyed having them around. so do u guys aite? Nad, fikri cikgu, fikri wahi and pijan...thnks for being here, together with me. i used to call them our 5 i's. gara2 pengaruh cte 3 idiots. :D

and, we tried to implement ape yg ktorg dpt dr that movie tu during our discussion ni. i noe its late already, but at least we tried. cthnye:
somebody are trying to memorize the answer..the some other will say,
"weh, weh, ko nk jadi Chatur kaa??kamon2, jgn memorize...try to understand babe!kang kalo ko memorize, ak tukar ayat jd mcm speech Chatur tu baru tahu...hahahahah"
when somebody try to ask,
" weh, yg ni k xkuar exam kan..xyah r bace r..."
then, some other guy will said,
" 3 idiots, are u? haha" :P
some sort of conversation and jokes are playing in the air....full of excitement, must i say. if there is anything yg ktorg x fhm, akan kuarla demo2 (still mcm Racho buat kat dlm cte tu), and one of the using my tumbler which they used to name as resevoir! we used it as an analogy for suction and discharge in Facilities studies.
one thing that i cant forget, last nite..i was too sleepy after having 2 round jog at tasek-alone! mlm tu mse dicussion, we used to discuss psl types of corrosion and past year exam. it almost 11 plus plus as my eyes dh merah2. at that time, i was trying to explain psl galvanic corrosion. sekali without i realive, terkuar psl intergranular corrosion :D (see, how i dh mix up all those thing) dak2 ni wat bodo jee, lps tu baru dieorg ckp, " ko dh kuar topik weeei...hee" -___-

all of us :)
hurm, wut i did tell here is not like to bangga or riak ape2 psl ape yg ktorg buat. pls dun misunderstood eh. it just some part in the last chapter of my stories. wut i learnt, somehow we can never imagine what will happen in our future, whose gonna be our friends, whose gonna be close to our heart. neither of us can tell or predict. we just hope for the best. insyaAllah and THANK YOU Allah for giving me these people in my life. hoping for the best in win-win situation. may Allah grant us with success. aamin.
5i's, we are on our road to success~
Sunday, May 23, 2010
apart of 3 idiots...
today, i went to IRC- alone! haha, but i doesn't bother me at all. sorang pon ok pe. mayb dulu berdua. but if one is better than two, why should i choose for two? (ayat sarcastic di sini) :) ;)
library quite cold. for me its is freezing sbb xdak sweater. so, i cant focus sgt. next tyme i should bring all stuff dtg library.
honestly, its not about cold or freezing yg membuatkan sy x ley fokus. but, spirit and courage yg ntah mcm dh pudar sikit2 ni. gap 8 hari ni supposedly dilihat as one advantage tuk fokus, study sume. but, trust me babe, its not easy. otak ke lain, mata ke lain. pendek kata susah sgt nk fokus. 12.30 sy balik. plan to come again ptg nnt for discussion.
meet fikri utk amik notes facilities. i just nk check mine. rse mcm quite incomplete jek. again, i m not really in good mood to study. T__T. somehow, ttb ade satu intention dr dalam: 3 IDIOTS!!! ok, gerak hati mahu tgk cerita ni. sambil taking lunch, ape salahnye layan muvie. fyi, sy jenis tak setia kalo bab2 layan series or muvie ni. as i mentioned in previous2 post, sy suke skip2 cte which means sy x kan tgk one by one. so, even kalo filem tu adelah 23 episode mcm Adamaya, i can simply finish it in 1hours! hehe...sbb i byk skip...malas nk layan sgt. next tyme bila tak buzy boley la kot. hehehe
ok, talking about this movie: 3 idiots. rating sy bagi 5/5. amik ko. kali ni, sy tak skip any part. tgk smpai habis hingga sy cancelkan my plan nk g irc, (kebetulan nad ade keja td, so study grp cancel). sy suke movie ni, really inspired me. haa, Allah ni hebat la. tgh2 sy down, xde mood nk study...Dia bg sy intention layan cte ni. Alhamdulillah. Sy selalu berdoa spy Allah kurniakn hidayahNya dlm setiap langkah. tgk movie pon ley dpt hidayah???haaa, part yg tak elok tu xyah la tgk! heee....hidayah Allah boley dtg dlm mcm2 cara...insyaAllah. ok, back to the movie.


Life is all about listening to your heart and chasing your dreams. That's the essence of 3 idiots. the rest of synopsis, ley bace kat sini. dan yg penting sekali, belajar bukan utk jawab exam semata.
"Rancho said, knowledge is increasing verywhere-where ever you get it, gain it!!!"
Hey Raju, we'll study, with complete dedication we will study, but not only to pass the exam...
some great scholar has said, never study to be successful, study for self efficiency. Dont run behind the success, follow behind excellence..success will come all way behind you..
then, i think that's the root...where we should begin and where we should end. Allah, thanks for this intention...ade 2 papers lagi utk saye realisasikan impian. May Allah bless me....and friends.
i asked my rumet...can i be apart of 3 idiots??? then she said, "awaklah.." and she laughed...hehehe ^__^
a day i need u

1st view i did have this morning. is it nice, isn't it? Maha Suci Ya Allah dlm menciptakan setiap sesuatu dgn penuh kesempurnaan. Semuanya indah dan terbaik. Subhanallah...i wish to be in this pace...all the time. ^__^
2 papers down, with 8 days gap buatkan sy jd nak maen2 plak. rse mcm dah grad fasa 1. pdhal 2papers coming ni subject major n minor saye. both 3 credit hours. ops, ade FYP presentation lgi 4th June. sgt la terbaik. agak2 nye..ape yer perasaan bila dh grad nant? is that feeling tu mcm abis SPM 5tahun yg lalu? or abis UPSR 10 tahun lalu? i bet they wont be da same. heee.. btw, seronok dgr kawan2 yg dh present FYP. most of dak2 mechy dh siap sume. i mean, dh present, even ade yg dh siap hardbound dissertation lagi, tunggu nk submit kat SV je. owh...ape jugak yg mereka rase yer bila dh siapkan semua FYP? haha. apepon, jujurnya sy tak pernah nyesal utk present plg lambat. biarlah grad lmbat sbb sy mahu buat yg terbaik spy sy tak nyesal. definitely sy tak nyesal lngsung pilih utk lmbatkan sume ni. thanks Allah for listening my wish. :) :)
haha, dlm tempoh ni...sempat lg melayan series korean2., sungguh gle la perangai. addicted dgnPersonal Taste. sbb nye i like the actor. Lee Min Ho berlakon ramai kot org suke. dak pompuan sume suke, including me. pastu layan cte Adamaya. asalnye layan cte ni sbb ramai org pakat dok sebut nk husband mcm Adam. so, tergerak la hati, pesal la dieorg ni nk sgt kat org mcm Adam tu. so layan la sepam dua. Watak Adam tu sweet, gentleman. patutla dak pompuan sukerr. saye? owh, bg saye biasa shj. mmg admit watak die nice, tp he's not my taste la. *ceeh* bg kat saye yg mata sepet, mungkin i melekat. org syed2 ni sy tak suke sgt.. haha. kidding saje. :S

"Jaga dirimu baik2 ya sayang"
Ayah melakukan itu semua agar saya KUAT..kuat utk pergi dan menjadi dewasa...
p/s: title mcm xde kaitan kalo tgk sekali imbas.... -___-"
Friday, May 21, 2010
i love i care
hidup perlu terus...
dan langkah perlu terus...
impian juga perlu terus
semuanya perlu terus...
esok ade paper OM. semalam mimpi hantu. eei, xbace doa ni. kantoi. or myb sblm tido smlm merapu2 ngn rumet, berbicara psl mase depan. ceeet..hehe. tp, ok gak mimpi hantu, bangun pagi ni dgn rase bersemangat nk study.huh, xtahu di mane interrelationnye. kihkih. :)
bape ari lagi? how many days left? singkatnye mase. UTP, selamat tinggal. T__T
berat sungguh hati nk tinggalkan semua. bilik..org2 tepi bilik ni. adek comey saye yg balik rumah die arini. dan semuanya. sempat ker nk tunaikan hajat2 terakhir di UTP ni?sempatkah???
bila berbicara psl mase, begitulah situasi nye.
i just closed my eyes when all those feelings come cross and try to forget semuanya. mungkin saye bukan jenis yg show off how do i feel, bukan jenis yg tunjukkan secara nyata bila sy sayang ssorg, bukan jenis tayang feeling bl menghargai ssorg sehingga mereka x sedar betapa mereka sgt bermakna buat saya. T__T
betul lah kata2 kawan baek saya dulu dlm surat akhir b4 ktorg tinggalkan zaman skolah menengah dl.
" tkah, pls shows to others how u love them, how u appreciate them.."
Raja, sampai skrg ak tak pandai nk tunjukkan semua tu. wut should i do?
sometimes, i love to keep in silent..buat dunno je mcm xde perasaan. ignore je rumet kat sblh. smpai die selalu confius is she did mistake. nope dear, u x buat silap, i jek yg choose to be silent sbb bl diam ni byk mnde yg berlaku..utk dipikirkan
saye mmg sukar utk difahami...hehe
"spring summer fall in winter dreams
those are shinning like a star....
i remember when we were angels
when we dreamed about us
all my days were happy
just like a snowy Christmas
i wish i'd have them always
every step i make writes a story
it is full of the heart
feeling love of my life
and missing friends of my time
i wish i'd have them all... "
p/s: sory rumet x kejut u bukak puasa n x masak spagetti utk u smlm. haha...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
marriage seems so interesting!
for ages, i have been asking that married is just as nice as how most ppl believe? i kept wandering about it, but of cos i ask no one about it coz i know they definitely will replied YES. ahaha, such a naive idea la saye ni! -___-"
tonite, while having OM in front of my lappy... i scroll down and found this interesting blog. link? dun need lorh. i wont share here. i do read it some of the entries (not all of for sure, xde mase nk bace sume), it made me smiled with such a big heart. i found a nice solid answer for my question. owh, such a lovely day u have. *envy* || *evil grin*||
thanks for answering my question about marriage. well, i think this is my 1st step towards the real life. ahaaa, dun misunderstood ckp ak nk kawen lak. kang tak pasal2 kuar rumors psl ni. it such a long way to go and surely because i just havent meet u yet, my soulmate :) , n insyaAllah this time i wont pick up org-tepi-jalan lagi to be my soulmate. he must be somebody..insyaAllah. jgn alien sudeyyy~ T__T
ceeh, mode jiwang dah. bek off sebelum taman bunga makin besar. haha. nite peeps!
love, tkah~
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
IRC ku di dapor
like i said before, sem ni kureng pg IRC. cam malas je nk pg walaupon dl zaman xde keta, pasrah gle menapak ke sana. malam2 pon. sorang2 pon.haha. skrg ni, walaupon ade kereta sendiri, terbalik lak perangai. forgive me dad!
mom pon tnye x gi library ke? i said NO sbb i tak suke tandas die. ehehe, n mls nk turun solat kat undercroft coz it takes time. a good reason kot. btw, i prefer to be in my hostel jek. kat maner? hee, kat dapor. presented my new IRC.wheee...woo, ade fridge lgi babe. siap ley jemur kain. irc mande ade tempat jemur kaen :S
and of cos i love to be alone. x suke ade org bl sy study. sbb nye: sy akan bercakap n bersembang n x ley fokus. i feel serabut bl ade org sekeliling. (study dlm gua la tikah weiii). xpe2 sabar. x lama daa nk abis ni.hehehe. dl, sy suke study ramai2. skrg dah x suke. ape punye byk gle perangai berubah. aigooo!
kat sini la sy dok melepak sorang2, plus pasang2 angan2. makan ape2 yg ade dlm fridge tu, bosan layan muvie sat tyme study (kantoi) n tersengguk2 sorang2. haa, semakin besar makin berubah. makin rse want to be alone. erk, adekah ini gara pengaruh cerita CInderall Sister yg sy tengok tu? when she says " i dont need anyone!!" +___+
siap ade bantal utk tidooo.. :D
Saturday, May 15, 2010
so in love

T__T..yup, suatu ktk dahulu impian tu melangit ade. tp bukan havard la, somewhere in oversea. but now, seems to fade away.tsk.tsk.
dh ler angan2 tu. zaman study pn nk abis daa unless if i cont for MA mcm my SV suruh. tp die soh g oversea. so, that's why la i gugel cr scholarship MARA or JPA. ntah, tu dlm perancangan lg. Allah lebey mengetahui ^__^
back to this pict, sy suke sgt lirik lgu tu. meaningful ok bila hayati. the person said, for u to have it whenever rase letih mse study. thnx lurve for understanding me. mse kat SCIPP dl, ramai yg support my aim utk bljar oversea. tp bl kat utp ni, no one else till i meet this person. haha...thnx alot~
Thursday, May 13, 2010
pict dr PGB
ttb emel masuk dr PGB. hehe...terima kasih for ur concern. dalam emel tu ade attach gmbr ni, erosion dekat steam pipe GPP4. org yg send tu bg gmbr ni sbb die tahu sy suke photography.
terima kasih yg tak terhingga. terima kasih sbb buat sy tersenyum dgn serabut2 study n meja bersepah2 ni. i like this pict!!! ade seni di situ...^___^
moga kt bersua lg di kerteh yer. doakan sy spy dpt kembali ke sana.aamin
o dear!
o' dear,
thanks for sharing with me dear...
thanks for trusting me all the time...
thanks for calling me with that name...
thanks for being there whenever i need someone
o' dear,
like i told u earlier,
why should i bother about my past where everything has gone,aite?
why must i consider about others feeling when they easily scratched mine easily
why do i need to care about both parties as they are apart from my life
o' dear,
if it is true,
then it is not what i asked Allah as a return
i just hope He grants both of them wif Nur
all the wounds; leave it as scars
and i will try to heal it myself
o' dear,
seeing u in such pain...
i felt so sorry T___T
what can i do to help u?
to cheer u?
to make u 'forget' the past?
all i can do, spending my time accompanying u study in ......
and laugh with u, shed ur tears...
be strong...pls!
" sesetia malam pd siang...."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
pls be strong
Monday, May 10, 2010
u guys awesome
syukur pd Allah sbb dh present project faci yg ke 2. all our hard works paid in the best way. wut else should i said except praise to Allah. nothing less. ^____^
supposed our group 6 ppl, tp last minute turn to be 5. so kerja quite burden lah. tmbh lg bila ade project 2nd ni. project 1st berakhir dgn jayenye jugak. same goes to 2nd project. for me, i really appreciate this project works sbb kt sume berusaha, we started our work awal2 and last2 tu keja edit sane sini hehe. mmg byk dugaan tru the whole days back then, but its ok. apepon thnks sbb same2 nek turun jumpa lecturer tak kire mase. we did this project bukan stkat utk siap, tp we knew wut we did. and i think we can use it during kerja nnt. insyaAllah.
yosh, left final exam jek nnt. so, lets do our best utk paper facilities. lets make our dreams come true guys. FACILITIES = A...nothing is impossible with Allah by our side :P
nite before presentation
after presentation ^___^
"abg Man, nape xde org recycle flare tu eh? mcm membazir jek dok kuar mcm tu..."
i asked Abg Man mase intern dl...sbb my desk menghadap flare.
"haha, xde org nk take care psl tu...xde org nk buat..tkah la yg buat.."
"tikah???asal tkah plak..."
"tkah la jd org pertama kat M'sia yg buat mnde tu...nnt kaya r..sbb ley reuse balik flare tu"
i still remembered my conversation with Abg Man, once upon tyme 2009. who noes, arini i managed to calculate something bout flare. sbb mase cabut undi aritu, sy dpt flare..night mare kejap sbb i really dun have any idea cane nk dptkan electricity but just having 1 figure which is mass flow rate. well, what i have today bukan bermksd sy dh berjaya nk reuse flare tu cane. the thing is, at least i noe the concept or burning flare using .......... which for this project i try to make it simple as i can yet still can produce some figure yg kalo nk compare dgn technology US pakai tu mmg almost there. alhamdulillah.
to Fikri,
i cant imagine u managed to do ur part very well. siap ader drawing lg for platform. nice job dude! lecturer pon amazed dgn ape yg awk buat. chaiyyok ah. *two tumbs up*
to Pjan,
ko pon same. bl dgr ko nye explanation td, i start to noe that u really understand wut u did. u can provide all explanations from the fact that u have. nice one!
to Azmal,
same goes to u. ak mmg puas hati r dgn ape2 yg ko buat. mmg complete r even dr theory, report, calc, slide sume. haa, ak pon x fhm ape yg ko buat sbb ak x go tru sgt ur part. ceh, mentang2 la ak rse ko nye dh mantap, so x yah nk check.hehe...jgn marahh dow~
last but not least, Azreen...
yeah, thnks alot for teaching me everything. myb awk x sedar, but u really teached me tru the whole period we did these projects. with ur knowledge and experience, u provide us some extra understanding. btw, x sangka ade org ley 'copy figure' awk kan? hehe, tp dieorg kantoi gak ngn lecturer. thnks again and SORRY!!!
korang jgn pk bila sy tulis mcm ni saye nk boost up dgn ape yg ktorg dpt arini. mmg xde langsung niat mcm tu. saye tulis ni sbb if can sume mnde yg berlaku sy nk ltk dlm blog. come on guys, bape ari lg ade utk stay kat UTP. sume2 ni akan left behind jd kenangan kot. that's why saye tulis evrything that we did. spy on one sweet day, i can read this post again and smile sorang2 bl ingat hardwork buat sume ni. one more, i want to say sorry to sape2 yg tnye grp ktorg tp ade yg ktorg x dpt jwb. fyi, mcm for my case, time org kalut2 tnye psl project faci ni, tyme tu saye tlh saket kepala pk for my fyp. huh, i guest u all understand kot sbb when it came to FYP...mnde len tolak tepi r. huhu...
last study week
dear all, when u r in final sem..evrything will be FINAL :P
and there again, my last study week ever, has been schdule from 8th May~16th May (cume ak nye bru nk start arini hehe) tu x consider kena prepare utk fyp lg -__-"
dh final sem babe, tgh pk nk study kat mane kali ni. will be at my room or IRC. 1 mnde yg saye x bape suke utk study kat library bila tiba waktu nk solat & makan. kena turun ke undercroft pastu kena g makan kat cfe. haa, yg ni dh cut my time lorh. one more, bl dok library ni mmg akan berlaku 'eye polution' laaa. u got wut i mean. pastu suke sgt dok usya org lalu lalang. kire xley nk fokus r. but then kalo nk wat study group tu kire ok la. sbb ktorg tempah 1 discussion room. so, mcm terbatas la dr nk usya org. hehehe
kalo study kat bilik..wah, gle best. dapor dekat, toilet dekat. yg tak tahan katil sebelah je memanggil ngn laptop internet 24/7 jek. goyah iman tol laaa! tp solat ley on time, insyaAllah. no reason utk lewatkan solat. (peringatan utk diri sendiri,hehe)

study mcm bdk kecik ni, agak2 die fhm ke bace ape tuuuu :D
but, for study week kali ni ktorg akan still g irc, insyaAllah utk study group. doakan smg berjalan dgn lancar. aamin. dan jugak memandangkan study week kali ini adalah yg terakhir, maka mst ade sessi photoshoot.hakhak. layan jek~
Sunday, May 09, 2010
mother's day, photo class, SI
alhamdulillah, SI was over. really dun noe feedback from that SI. but, what can i say, my role play tak mcm the rest. and i feel like my heart is trembling like a small paper boat in an ocean. wut does it mean? ntah, just tawakkal pd Allah. tp, sy ttp bersyukur pd ALLAH for treating in this 'special way'. x berani nk komen byk2. n pls dun ask more about it ok!-____-"
Selamat Hari Ibu utk mak.
moga pnjang umur..
moga doa mak ayah Allah makbulkan.aamin
td i call before interview, dh nangis2 dah.nsb bek x pkai make up. kalo x, x psl2 make cair dl. lps interview i call nangis2 lg. end up rse mcm nk demam. parah sungguh. dh i mls pk. i betul2 mls pk. i need sumeone to talk to, but there's no one. mane kucing smlm yg i dok sembang2 tu? (korang ckp ak x betol daa sbb sembang ngn kucing, huh, dulik la ak). inilah yg sy selalu buat kat rumah bila xde org nk ckp ngn i. bl my parents xde kat umah n at that time i was deeply in pain+ sad.
smlm, i just got some picts from Munir, our last class photos. its awesome babe. ni tyme kls facilities. spot me in the pict, a girl, standing at the back, wearing a big old skul spects!haha. saje wat kenangan pakai spec gedabak tu dlm gmbr ni. facilities was our last class after 5 years being here. ceeh, mcm sedey jek bunyi. of cos sedey. 5 years down the road. together wif friends looking the meaning of real life at teenage age. sekolah menengah tu xde apelah sgt kalau nk compare dgn life kat campus. mcm2 happen dlm tempoh lima tahun ni. got to know u guys, learnt the meaning of friendship, the beautiful of honestly and sincerity among friends, the lovely sacrificial way towards foe (yg ni pelik kan,hehe but yes mmg ader) and last but not least of cos the meaning of naughty & dotty puppy

like azmi said in his blog, after this; no most tests, no more asgmts, no more projects, no more worries for cosmarks, no more dgr lecturer membebel pagi2 more kecut perut anythime wnt to seat for final exam. no more stay up study last minutes. no more chances utk amik slip exam. no more quarrel with pak guard psl saman kad matrix ngn parking. sumenye dah tak ade. evrything will be wrapped up in memory. everything will end up soon. right now, dh study week... -__-"
i will miss this place much much after this. i will remember every precious time for being here. huh, nk start ayat jiwang daa. okeh, dun wory i will keep those ayat2 jiwang for the last post in last day at UTP. hehe
all in all, thank you Allah, for giving me this opportunities to feel how life is all about. one again like the previous post, may our dreams come true. aamin.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
a text message
at 09:17 am, suddenly i got a text message....
"Nooratikah, this is kak intan from HR Petronas,
we want to slot you in Sunday, am session so need to be here at 8 am..."
Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah. finally. ok la tu kan drpd sms 30 mins cam smlm kan. at least i knew my schedule 1day earlier. Alhamdulliah. For those friends yg x dpt lg, dun wory...InsyaAllah your time will come someday. yg penting, never ever berputus asa dr ALLAH coz dariNya segala pintu rezeki. So, peeps, pray for me and wish me luck for my PETRONAS Structured Interview tomorrow at 9.00 am! I will try to do my best, and the rest i will leave to Allah. aamin~

~may our dreams after 5 years being ere will be come true after all...aamin~
tikah saari
Friday, May 07, 2010
ZOFFAN, SI, zombie
its has been a while i put ZOFFAN as my status for fb as well as gtalk. and ppl kept asking me wut ZOFFAN is all about? act, i love to use this word long2 tyme ago. at the beginning when i noe zoffan tu ape. in shorts, sejak form 5 slps terjumpa this word dlm buku sejarah. zoffan tu maksd die dasar berkecuali. so whenever sy rse mahu hidup dlm dunia saya sahaja tnpa gangguan mane2 pihak, i will put mode: ZOFFAN! bukan sy taknk org ganggu jek, tp it seems like word tu bg border kat saye utk buat mnde len. spnjg 4 hari ni, mmg sy tak layan fb (unless kalo ade nk wish kat sumeone for their final exam ONLY), x tulis blog, x chat ngn org (layan kalo mnde tu penting je), the rest mmg sy tumpukan pd kerja yg sy buat.
hee, ape yg sy buat act? sy telah pulun buat draft tuk report final year project. smlm tido2 ayam je, pastu g kls FACI pg ni dgn blur2. i try my best utk fokus dlm kls. tp terasa otak lmbt gle utk pick up. mcm hapee jek! that's my weakness bl x cukup tido. hidup sgt tak terurus bl dlm keadaan mcm ni. mcm zombie pon ade.wheee. itulah life final year final sem babe! nice gle~
owh yer, my name was included for PETRONAS SI (2nd batch). tp kategor 'waiting list'. huh, mse mlm briefing tu dh konfirm2 nama ktorg tak kan naek tuk interview kali ni. dan honestly sy mmg xnk lg la intervw sbb serius mmg mentally not prepared. so, skrg kata putus diberi kami yg dlm waiting list ni akan SI after final exam (which i prefer most!)
tapi kannnn, pagi td around 9.30 la i got a call from akak HR, asking me for SI at 10am! huh, mcm nk putus urat seketika. gle ke ape ingat sy ni robot eh? i was given 3o mins to prepare sume mnde. dh la baju x iron lg. kasut xde lgi. all docs pon x susun lgi. even borang utk employee tu pon x fill in lg. tertimbus dgn my FYP paper work. mmg sy terkaku seketika kot td. then finally i call her back btaw i cant make it today dgn alasan bla...bla..act, sy takut jugak in case sy buat wrong decision pagi td. yela kot2 my decision may affect their impression towards me. tp logik la sikit. daripada sy pegi dgn otak blank sdgkan interview ni adelah percaturan mase depan sy. pergi ke tak? haa, think wisely dude!~
at the end, sy rse ape yg saye buat tu mmg betul sbb ape yg sy perlu yakin satu je..
hati manusia ni Allah yg pegang. walaupon dieorg yg buat keputusan utk amik sy berkerja or tak, the decision tu act comes from Allah. Allah yg gerakkan hati mereka. so, ape nk takut? Allah kan ade. jgn berputus asa dr rahmat Allah dan yg penting, just do ur best all the way!~
i think i should stop for now. later cont. btw, mayb my turn for SI adelah esok. aish, tula nasib org dlm waiting list ni. standby all the time. dh ler 3 4 ari lps life mcm zombie. rse nk je mlm ni lepak2 layan muvie kejap. sekali kena prepare utk SI lak...huh, nk makan ice-cream r cani ^__^
Monday, May 03, 2010
time: 8.00am (start)
i m just taking almost 10 mins before pg mandi pagi ni utk update blog. task after this, i want to continue for my write up : dissertation. insyaAllah. hopefully, idea akan mencurah2 slps kepala disejukkan dgn wudhuk solat dhuha nnt. aamin.
btw, today is submission date for project Facilities, EIS as well as OM. amik ko, 3 project gedebuk anta. act, draf dissertation pon should be submitted today jugak, but since my SV bg kelonggaran sikit, then xyah lg submit lg arini. alhamdulillah. apepon, i just want to say "thousands & millions" and token of appreciation to all those grp mmbers yg same2 contribute utk same2 completekan all those projects above. fyi, project yg plg tough adelah FACILITIES which took us almost more than a month to complete the calculation flow esp for each of the renewable sources. which book yg ktorg tak selak, buku thermo mane yg i x go tru? even lecturer mane yg ajar thermo zaman freshie dl pon we all pergi ngadap. nmpak sgt basic thermo x kukuh. but, its not about the basic guys. try to imagine that u r only given with one value which is mass flow rate. then question asked u to produce electricity in order to match demand n supply for offshore facilities requirement! goshh....heheh...
but, again.ALHAMDULILLAH, nightmare has gone. waiting for presentation plak mse study week. pray for me and my friend. :)
left 2 mins. ok, FYP! its too bothered me. aish.. for those yg xde probs ok la kan. tp, i wont berputus asa dr rahmat ALLAH. never. coz i really noe, ALLAH xkan bg sst yg hmbaNYA tak mmpu nk hadapi. anyway, i have 2 tests this week which are OM (tomorrow) and corrosion (weds). ok, time's up since its 8.10 alrdy!
p/s: thanks May for men2 UNO with me last nite, smbil2 study for test. i noe i kalah smlm sbb material i pakai x betul n design tak ok, so x stable la that UNO tu.hahah. u punye system dh ok you sis & goodluck for ur test!~
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