thnks mak & ayah sbb bg saye balik ngn kawan kali ni. HAHAHA..FYI, my mak call bape kali ntah dlm perjalanan tu, adei. saya fhm, mak terlalu runsing dan berat hati nk lepaskan saye. kawan2 saye dh fhm dgn 'kongkongan my family towards me'.lps mak call, ayah call. cam bergilir jek mereka. owh caringnye mereka.wawawa *terharu*
utk adikku Sadiq, len kali kalo nk convoi lg, kena buat janji eh. sape lmbt die yg kena belanja.KAHKAHKAH. baru deal kan kan kan???(^______^) chewaah, konon nk bertolak pkol 7 pg, then postpone smpai kol 8, then postpone lagi last2 kol 9.45 br gerak kuar dr UTP.HAHAHA..bagusnye adik2 kesayanganku ni. nsb bek la kakak2 yg 2 org ni baek hati gleee!!~
we all breakfast++ lunch kat Tapah. haaa, mcm2 bunyi ade dr usus brulah dpt makan nasi. ni adik2 nye psl la ni..sian kak intan.HAHA. sabar eh yang ngn dak2 tak matured ni..heee~
sepanjang jalan mcm2 citer kuar & sambil2 tu usya keta org. mcm2 jenis keta. puji spot rim org lor, puji driver la ekeke, puji no plat keta laaa. mmg kes aku yg takde keja xnk bg tido teman intan drive. KAHKAHKAH. keta saye?owh, die berada di UTP. terpksa stay sane xley balik sbb ayahx kc ai drive jauh2. sgt la sedey nk tinggalkan keta.ciaaan bucuk2 ku....T___T
balik UTP nnt ai tak tawu nk balik ngn ape. lgi2 bl mak dan ayah msuk campur urusan ai. ayah kate stay KL xnk kc ai jalan jauh soh ai jage kesihatan baek2, mak lak kate balik kelantan so that ai ley fokus stdy kat umah. ai nk balik ngn kawan (Sadiq or Intan) memandai jek buat keputusan x btaw Sadid n Intan lg hehe. Abg Long offer nk anta tp ayah tak kc bwe atiq sekali sbb takut panas nk jalan jauh2. and act ttb ai rase nk balik kelantan wif mak ayah esok sbb nk lappy g kedai. waaaah, so many choices yg ai pon x tawu mane nk pilih.
ai tak tahu bila lg my parents nk kaci ai balik dgn kwn2 lps ni. berangan lagi lah kan. sbb tu la ai tulis mende ni dlm blog. kire cam piece of memories jugak utk dikenang lps ni.hukhuk. pasrah!!!
utk adikku Sadiq, bundle of thnks sbb bersabar dgn perangai kakak yg tak cukup umur ni. heee, u'll miss me somehow after this. cheewah. and i'll miss u tooo. pheeewit!~
utk Intan, my rumet TQ sayang sbb u mmg fhm perangai my mom cane. thnks sgt2. dan terima kasih for a nice journey wif u hehe...rating bwe keta 3/5 sbb u ttb blank n nk berhenti dkt tgh2 traffic light bl salah msuk jalan.HAHAHA
"mak dan ayah, u guys alwys concquer my life. so so so ketat wif lots of peraturans that i need to follow. yet sumetimes, make me so sad. tapi x pelah, even saye tak suke sume tu, i noe u did for thousand of reasons. as your daughter, saye terima dgn terpksa beralah dan sumetimes honestly berat hati. kdg2 sedey dgn care tu. its ok, ai alwys pujuk diri coz ai yakin one day Allah will surely ganti all my freedom skrg ni dgn sumething that i never expect. ai nk jd anak yg baik dan sentiasa obey pd kate2 mak ayah. myb there's somebody will take me sumewhere after this, round and round the world....hehe"
with ♥,
ReplyDeleteheyy..mane ade ktorg lmbat okey??ktorg pn ade tngu akak,,sume org merase tngu pade hari tersebut..grr..haha
ReplyDeletex kire, korang lambt jugak..hehe..sbb korang yg lmbt dl...akak lmbt sbb nk pulangkan kunci.
ReplyDeletetunggu akak x smpai sejam. 15mimit jek. tp tunggu korang dekat sejam. wahaha....
xkire2..lambt jugak~
(^____^) sokong~!! angkat tangan beramai2..sadiq n d geng mmg lmbat...boleh ke die kate tgk kwn still tdo,then die continue tdo blik?? apekah?? HAHAHA..(tiru gaya awk gelak ye tikah) Btw, nice journey to be remembered especially after da abes grad.... huk3... Tq EveRyoNe~!!
ReplyDeleteP/s: to sadiq, nk konvoi x blik ke UTP nnt?hehhehe..
yeay....rumet cayang sokong sayer...(^___^)V
ReplyDeletesadiQ mmg camtu...mari kt bulik dier sblm sem ni berakhir..HAHAHA
XNK BALIK NGN KORANG LG DAAA!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ T_T
ReplyDeletealaaaaa SadiQ,
ReplyDeleteape nangis2 nie...huhu
ni apa ni, sy bukan adik kamu dh ke.... huk2
ReplyDeleteerk, plak daaa...ade org len majuk kat sini...
ReplyDeleteaiyook tak tahu
intan cepat pujuk Papa Bear ni!~