Friday, October 02, 2009

owh life!

Dear diary,

hehe, i wish i could write everyday on ur blank whitey cutie pages. (even my rumet x suke layout ni,heh) but then, i'm so so busy lately. no more time to spend on u. pitty me!~

well, i did contact my lovely bestfriend yg jauh kat Vietnam tu..hopefully u'r not going to be a Vietnamese after this, hehe. *blink2* owh, so good to hear about u. i want to reply to your mail but sumehow i takde mase free sgt2. well, i noe you will be reading this post dr kejauhan di tgh laut sane, cehhh. hopefully e'thing will be fine aite darling?

owh yea, i did find blog sorang senpai ni, Kak Izza. owh, suke sgt bace blog die. aah, Kak Izza yg cantik, i wish i can be like u someday. insyaAllah. "ku katakan dgn indah.." looking forward to say such words next year, aamin. aamin.

owh, progress so far?
  1. FYP, alhamdulillah so far so good. moga Allah terus menerus menunjukkan jalan buat saye ini. kdg2 kita x sangka sape yg akan tlg kite. Allah dtgkan tiba2. sesungguhnya Dialah tempat sandaran plg utama.
  2. too many ongoing projects. FANDE, HRM, Msian studies, Polymer (asal la cam senyap je sume org psl ni) and last but not least PCS. aahaa, looking forward for presentation. meeting and persuasive one la. apelah yg ak nk jual ni...???#$&^$&
  3. owh, saye tak berapa sihat lately. lame dh x selsema. tp alhmdulillah, takde la teruk sgt2. masih boley bermain squash wpon sorang2. hee...cume attention given utk study late nite x berapa bagus sikit. mak pesan bila x sihat, jgn tido lambat dan jgn mandi di awal pgi..T__T
  4. i feel good wpon kdg2 terasa tersangat berat bahu ini. yelah, beban terpikul byk sekali. i am practicing utk never SIGH aka mengeluh. No MORE ok? sebaliknya mest sentiasa bersyukur walau dlm ape jua keadaan. ^__~
  5. i do have many friends around esp my rumet. i do love her and i'm appreciating her in life so far. bukan senang taw utk orang seperti saye mahu berkongsi barang. err, bukan kedekut, but anda dilahirkan dlm sebuah keluarga yg sume mnde milk awk seorang. ahaha.. ape yg anda mahu anda akan dpt, tanpa perlu minta org len. that's wut i did before. tp skrg, i learnt to practice that life is about give and take. nk belajar rupenye ak ni...
  6. terlupa, saye tlh mengisi graduation audit form keke :P
wallpaper background skrg, well i did like this theme currently
*no more jiwang2 art bla bla...*

okla, that's all for now. later i meet u again. owh, doakan saye tabah selalu walau dlm ape jua hal...

have faith in ur life,

1 comment:

  1. maRLyny2:12 AM

    Dear my rumet~

    To have u once in my's such a wonderful experience...This is for the 1st time I enjoyed every moment with someone that I called 'sahabat' in UTP ; whom I can put trust, someone that bkn musuh dlm selimut..yg bkn ckp blkg I,tp ckp depan/direct especially bile tudung I x bpe nk matching ngan bju kurung I...hhahaha...Someone who inspired me to be more focus in my life. I do jealous with u when u r sooooo focus while studying. Heh..I kn jenis xfokus..But I learnt it from u....byk bnda yg I bljr..memberi dan menerima..Thank you for borrowed me ur 'orange ring'....One thing that u should know, Allah telah makbulkan doa dan permintaan sy...He gives me a friend that I can always shared everything without any doubt. Someone who understanding...I thought that my life would never have 'sahabat' after my bestfriend, Ajad(Siti Hadjar). But I'm wrong..Alhamdulillah..May Allah always preserve our ukhwah~....May God bless us..

    one more thing;

    i love u too~


    mcm da nk grad lak...mcm pasni da xjmpe lak...hehe

    gudnyte dear...
