Alhamdulillah, syukur sgt dipanjatkan kpd Allah SWT...
sekalung penghargaan utk SV saye, Mr. Ruzwin, En. Baki...staff INSA PGB...kawan2 dr uni lain..dan my dear juniors, Anas & Ruby...
rase segalanye terbayar dgn begitu 'worth' sekali.
ayat skematood saye ;)
harap mklum
result intern keluar. alhamdulillah lagi sekali. saye rse syukur sgt2..x tergambar dgn kata2...
org kate mse intern nilah nk score 4flat. congrate to all dear friends yg score well utk intern ni.
intern selama 8 bulan tlh berakhir dgn jayanye. dan penuh dgn hardship. hardship dr segi personnal matters hinggalah cane nk score dpt full. di tgh2 saye terumbang ambing di tempat intern, he left me with thousand of reasons. yeah, def. it caused me deeply in PAIN. dan SV saye punye bukanlah seorg yg linen utk bg mark. fyi, utk score weekly report with rating 5, bukan easily submit the report begitu shj. u have to make sure u noe every single thing including the processing part (means bhgn Operation) pon kena tahu jugak. T___T
kalo dulu mmg saye mengeluh dgn care SV saye train saye. tp skrg bila saye ingat balik kate2 die...saye tarik nafas lega... dan so happy sbb dah berjaya harungi all those hardship moments walaupon bersendirian. opss, i'm not alone. Allah with me all the tyme (^___^)
lebey kirang mcm ni la he said," i dont want my trainee easily get A. i want her to be very qualified trainee & engineer one day. She'll get A because of her qualified skills and when she really deserves for that grade..." cani la ayat my SV, sory jika ade tambah ape2 tp begitulah maksd yg beliau nk smpaikan. hehehe...
bila ingat balik rse terlalu kelakar plak sbb menangis dpn SV, down dgn score yg tak tinggi mcm org len..but he kept inspiring me to do well till finished my internship...and finally i made it...;)
dan terima kasih SV sbb console me bila saye mengadu kena marah dgn kontraktor. T___T
thanks sbb back up saye whenever i need it and support me till end. terharunye...i wish if one day i become a supervisor, i wanna be like him...wpon saket awal2, tp at the end, u will realise how wonderfull the way u trained u~
utk staff2 PGB yg len, Abg Man,Abg Zul, Mat Jack esp...thnks for all your words. for kept inspiring me, for encouraging me during my rainy day. u guys gave me shelter, provide me shell, honored me with wonderful advices, and the most important sbb ajar saye utk menilai bagaimana seorang lelaki itu sebenarnye. Abg Man, yg byk mnjd SIFU saye tru out the whole periods....tunjuk dan ajar...dan skrg beliau masih mengajar saye ape2 mslh yg saye hadapi mengenai NDE, failure, corrosion...budi kalian terpahat kukuh.
final year skrg akan cube dihadapi sebaik mungkin...there's only one thing that i dream crazily wish and only wish...semoga Allah permudahkan jalan ke arahnya...aamin
terima kasih utk semua....INSA terbaikk!!!
from utp with