Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I told you so

sibuk kebelakangan ini...jadi blog terus bersawang...internship semakin menghampiri penghujungnya..rase x sabar mahu menjenguk UTP nan indah, hehe...slps sekian lama meninggalkan sedar 'ia' indah sebenarnye..mungkin org len sedang bergembira tapi hakikatnye saye punya perasaan sgt la kegundahan. hanya org tertentu yg memahami. saye tak tahu kenapa Allah uji saye sebegini, dan sekali lagi kewarasan akal perlu diperkukuh spy nafsu tidak bermaharaja melenyapkan semangat yg dibina.

terima kasih buat Syikin..sms yg dikirim sebenarnya memberi saye secebis kekuatan utk terus yakin dgn kekuasaan Allah..insyaAllah, ia semakin bersinar dan saye pasti akan cuba bangkit utk tabah semungkin yg mungkin mustahil utk mereka yg len...ENTAH~

kak zura bg lagu ni semalam. mungkin jika dl saye pernah berharap bait2 dlm lirik ini akan menjadi kenyataan dan pasti murung terukir di wajah yg manis...mencacatkan senyuman yg terukir. namun semalam saye mampu tergelak mendengar lagu ni. seolah2 ia berlalu tanpa ade ape2 kaitan dgn diri. dan saye sedar bahawa dalam hati saye sudah tiada sbrg harapan utk kenagan lalu. ia terlalu indah tp ia terlalu pahit. biarkan ia pergi kerana saye tak punya masa utk semua itu.

I Told You So by Carrie Underwood

Verse 1
Suppose I called you up tonight
And told you that I love you
And suppose I said I want to come back home
And suppose I cried and said I think I finally learned my lesson
And Im tired of spending all my time alone
If I told you that I realized you're all I ever wanted
And it's killing me to be so far away
Would you tell me that you love me too
And would we cry together
Or would you simply laugh at me and say...

I told you so, Oh I told you so
I told you some day you would come crawling back
And asking me to take you in
I told you so, but you had to go
Now I've found somebody new
And you will never break my heart in two again

Verse 2
If I got down on my knees
And told you I was yours forever
Would you get down on yours too and take my hand
Would we get that old-time feeling
Would we laugh and talk for hours
The way we did when our love first began
Would you tell me that you've missed me too
And that you've been so lonely
And you've waited for the day that I returned
And we'd live and love forever
And that I'm your one and only
Or would you say the tables finally turned

would you say...

with ,


  1. salam.
    da bley let go da?
    thats gud.

    lets dont break heart.
    mari kita eratkan ukhuwwah.

    lets take care of our heart.
    "Sayangi jantung anda."
    Pesanan daripada KKM. :smile:

    "i told you so"
    nice song.
    but, it wouldn't be my favourite.
    this song only affect those who gives up with life and
    i won't
    and you won't also, aite?
    coz u are stronger than me.
    i know that.

    mari kita mengejar cita-cita dan kejayaan.
    aku rindu nak gi UK dowh.
    i wanna touch the softness and the whiteness of snow there. :berangan jap:
    semangat aku nak ke sana belum padam lagi.
    kita masih boley pg sana kan?
    kalau kita usaha dan belajar betol2, kan? kan?
    marilah kawan, kita study sesungguh.
    thanks for everything. :)

  2. haha...ak mmg xkan give up..sbb tu ak ckp lagu ni x bg ape2 kesan kat ak skrg..;)

    xksh daa...biarkan sbb ak yakin sgt2 Allah mentakdirkan sst utk sst yg lg baik sbb DIA kan Maha Mengetahui...
    sapelah kt ni nk pertikaikan semua tu..

    aaah, ak ttp mahu ke UK, ak x dulik ape2 pon...biar ape org kate tntg cita2 ak yg penting ak mahu ke sane jugak..aamin

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    ye, betul tu tkah...sokong!!!

  4. terima kasih Syikin...jasamu kukenang selalu!~
