Friday, August 22, 2008

And she is a woman...

arini CONVOFAIR 2008 start...erm, bermula la acara kemuncak utk kami slps preparation almost 5months..(tu dh kire lambat r tahun nie...hehe)..

jom kiter recap sikit..
April 2008
- dpt offer utk jawatan sbg SU1 Convofair 2008. mase tu lps balik jogging..
diberi mse about 2 hours utk pk..adei..angkat phone ngn keadaan berpeluh2 can I??? mechy sem ni buzy kot..mase tu blank.totally blank!!!
dh terpk utk menamatkan zaman konvo n fokus pd 3rd year lak.whee~
call parents x dpt, then ask Oyama, mr sifu..minta pandangan dier..he told me 3rd year Mechy agak tough -_-"
ended up : accept offer coz i'm thinking of sumthing..

-dh start ngn bz2..ader recruitment EC..tyme ni agak pening..mase EC xd
e lg..punyer r penat...ape2 pon thnks kpd hicom you guys!!~
recruitment committee...ramai woo...pening mau pilih..but, to those who are selected..congrate!!~
dh start keja, tyme ni MEchy 2nd year 2nd sem berlambak2 project..tyme stdy week pon ader 3 test, project yg wat saye 3 ari tak tido berturut2..mmg x tido smpai pagi a.k.a 72 hours!!~....+++ meeting2 convo..(ak bukan lg minah yg dok dpn buku ari2 utk stdy, tp ke hulu hilir ngn buku meeting.. @_^ )
terasa pressure thp mAx bile balik tgk rumet n geng stdy..haha

-balik umah kejap jek...
then sambung cuti kat UTP smpai skrg..wuuu~
byk belajar utk jd seorg SU besar ni..special thnks to Ain Sufian, Istiazah
, Afiq Kamal & Kak Maznah, Pidot n sume yg byk membntu.yerp, saye agak kelam kabut..
well, tak tahu la nape honestly to say, documentation convo kali ni agak strict, x ley nk compare ngn TEC or event2 len or lebey jelas ngn CONVO 2007. tp saye terima dgn hati terbuka ^^V
byk training Su department psl documentation...haha, dak2 ni keluar masuk bilik saye kol 2 ,3 pg tu normal la...awal2 pg dah ader Su dpartment yg muncul dpn pintu..ahakz...;D

-dah start blaja..jd 3rd year 1st nie..gerun...ngeri..bla.bla..
1st thing yg appear kat my mind: cane pointer ak sem ni????
ngn ETP when saye sorang jek mechy..adei..sume ni dugaan Allah
plus project yg berlambak2..or in other words sume subject da project!!~

-kehangatn semakin terasa..wuuu~~
kebizian mencapai klimaks...keserabutan tak dpt nk ckp..-__-"
semuanye mcm ape ntah...stdy lintang pukang..sume quiz 1st agak mengecewakan..aiyakk
mak ayah, ampunkan kah...T__T
dok bilik x stdy, nape still da org kate saye dok bilik stdy????haru r dunia cani..sabar ye cayunk!!~
n TODAY..convofair tiba...mlm ni ader opening ceremony...doakan sume selamat..aamin...
22nd, 23rd & 24th Big EVENT ever....all the best kpd sume komiti, EC n Hicom...

a woman has strengths that amaze man..
she can handle trouble and carry burdens.
she holds happiness,love and opinions.
she smiles when she feels like screaming.
she sings when she feels like crying,cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid. her love is unconditional. there's only one thing wrong with her, she sometimes forget what she is worth...

Penghargaan kpd:

my Parents+ beloved sis- for everything!!~
my Rumet, sory selalu tinggal kamu lewat mlm..
Azreen- sbb dh lame x spend tyme with u dear
Aimi-sbb memahami bile da keja group..abis convo ni, mmg tkah pulun yg terbaik, insyaAllah
my housemates- for ur supports and advices
ETP group's members- for being so understanding
Hicom, EC, komiti CONVOFAIR 2008- kerjasama yg tak pernah berakhir
last but least, sesiapa yg rase dier istimewa dlm hati saye(x terhad kpd seorg shj..huhu, any1 can!)

p/s: bunga mawar tu really special for me wpon dier kemek dan x kembang ngn sempurna cam bunga lain..krn di situ tersimpan satu sst yg tak mmpu diolah dek hati dan kenyataan..(pergh, ayat jiwang..ahakzz!!)

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