Friday, September 26, 2008

Lovely & swEet

well, guys...yes..I love U all
kter berbuka di tepi tasik...=)

25th September 2008, should be noted in my diary..hehe..spent tyme with u guys..n it was so lovelY..yeay..kter berbuka puasa bersama2..cukup korum kali ni dtambah dgn adernyer kak intan...she joined us.
thanks to wan n ilya for this others as well..nuzul, sadiq n akmal...hehe...
wpon, pd mulanyer...kejap2 ckp nk bukak kat kedai..then ader 'org' call sayer...

"......ala, kak xde privacy la kat kedai, nak kelainan...tasek2...sape tak setuju angkat tangan....", mls pk2 ktorg end-up ngn g bazar dl..beli lauk2 berbuka, n then we
headed towards TAsek...& there we cool beb!~
cayer lah...pasni kalo nk dating sini aci x? ehehe.kidding jek...seronok2...
pandai eh kamu memilih tempat...^^V
we can see masjid from here..waa, syhadu nyer dlm hati..mahu begini selalu boley tak..??? =P
then, x lama lps tu..da lagi 2 groups len dtg bukak kat sini..naseb baek kami awal..dpt
this shut..yela..da org nk kat privacy..hehe
makan2..dgn seronok..sembang2...share makanan....and sayer rase ape yg kter wat smlm tu mmg words to express the whole story since i'm not a good narrator...well, just tru these picts, i think u can...

erm...gmbr lidi 2 batang tue wan yg amik...mende la simboliknyer..ehehe, tp bg sayer..ia menarik...=)
myb bg wan ader meaning kot....ape eh???lalala~

last but not gmbr fmly kami..'adek beradek kami'.....put in gray scale mode..rase cam ader nostalgic sikit..hehe..~_^

honsetly, i never thought to have these people in my life before...never...but it came all of sudden and yes, really appreacite them without having any regrets(nk nyesal watpe...bersyukur aderlah...haha)
but then,but the end of this year..i'm leaving for internship.8 months wooo~~~
gonna miss them forsure T_T
hopefully, can spend tyme with them again before final exam.wheee..but, saye kena siapkan proposal utk dihntar kpd ayahanda & bonda dulu laa...harap2 x kena reject.aamin ^^V

FriendShip RemaIns Never Can ENds~

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Saye bercerita...

today ader 2 post..ape meaning dier???
i'm bored maa...skrg i'm entering a gate entitle "MODE: NAK BALIK RAYER!!~"
lecture pon dh tak byk nk g fabricate utk ETP..@_~
pluss++ dgr lagu rayer...owh, saye mahu pulang...

erm, last nite was my 1st tyme turun sahur kol 1 lebey kat cfe..with ilya & wan..
i got a bad headache sbb makan nasi goreng cendawan..=(
saye ni sume mnde x ley makan...kepala berdenyut2...++perut lapar n terasa pedih sbb makan tat nenas yg rumet tersayang (Intan cayunk) bg...jam die berbisa utk sayer..aish..-__-"
so, turun laa makan...i ordered nasi goreng kampung n at the same tyme i ordered for wan-nasi goreng cili padi...i dun noe why, nasi goreng kmpung saye pelik smlm..akibatnye tertukar ngn nasi wan punyer...
nsb bek br suap sikit...pedassss!!~berasap..T_T
mine punyer pon pedas gak...wallaaa..nape nie...???
both of them dok gelakkan sayer...aisey...dh la org lapar, sakit kepala...then dpt nasi yg pedas...
kesimpulannyer???x dpt nk abiskan nasik...!!!
n consequence dr PEDAS itu...sakit kepala yg berdenyut ilang...ehehe....
kami di sana smpai 2 lebey dkt ngn 3am..whee~
(ak dh wat perangai lepak...x berjurus sungguh...well, i've reason for doing that...adelah mnde yg x best happen..but wat x tahu jek..lg bek, bulan2 pose!~)

erm, there's sumething yg saye dpt tahu lately...its a bit menyedihkan...=(
hate to say..why being that way???
dl EPUL ader tulis dlm blog die, even though bukan mnde yg same..but they are related to each other..
xnk bermenantukan org kelantan???saye agak terasa sbb saye org kelantan jugak...why n why they are saying so??? can u give me ten reasons at least?? if u think u'r good enough, then its ok...nobody's perfect...itu mnde yg sume org should noe..
honestly, my MOM pon ckp ape..." adik, jgn cr org luar..amik dekat2 jek, cr kelantan laaa eh..."
then, mase tu sayer masih mentah.agree jek mak ckp ape...(bajet x cukup 21st agie tyme tue..hehe), mser wedding my sis...then org pon sibuk dok tnyer psl saye..."yg bongsunye bile???" rimas btol with that quest!!
hehehe..ape yg termampu,,sengih cam kerang busuk..^^

then, right now..saye memerhati org sekeliling..n i told my mom...i think last year kot...
"mak, x semestinya sume org kelantan tu baek...dan org luar tu jahat..perangai tak elok...sume org same jek...u cannot say that way..just imagine if my jodoh one day dgn org sabah sarawak???"
n i added again..."..jgn nilai org berdasarkan negeri die dilahirkan...mungkin dier lg baik dr org yg setanah dgn kiter.."....dulu my mom cam x mo time...n alhamdulillah..dier dh OK skrg...
she just hope i can find the best man...=)

ape yg saye nk ckp kat sini, bukan psl jodoh mOm yg dl pon pk cam sstgh org yg kunun kelantan tu x elok utk dijdkan menantu...hurmmm....skrg my mOm ley tima...but she still want me to find kelantanese spy dpt balik raye senang..wink~~
so, cane dgn mrk2 yg msih di takuk yg same???? think that kelantaneses are bad!
comon guys...we r no longer dok zaman yg org pakai kapak utk tebang pokok...dun ever think u'r bagus sgt...sume org ader baik buruk...mindset jgn r set camtu..bukan nye sayer terhegeh2 nk cr org luar..cume apabila pandangan kalian terhdp org kelantan yg begitu, make me rase cam...**#$%@
hehe...sedey act dgn mrk yg pk gitu..
Allah bg akal yg hebat, utk menilai ssorg bukan berdasarkan negeri nyer.....xde pon dlm ape yg Nabi ckp: pilih base form negeri...
Nabi pesan pilih wanita krn agama,keturunanan harta dan last sekali rupa....=)

“Wanita dinikahi karena empat perkara; karena hartanya, karena kedudukannya/keturunannya, karena kecantikannya dan keranan agamanya. Maka, pilihlah yang baik agamanya niscaya engkau beruntung.” (Diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari (3/242), Muslim (2/1086), Abu Dawud (2047), an—Nasaa’i (6/68) dan Ibnu Majah (1858))

p/s: thanks to AIMI, ZAMAN & FADHILAH for the sources...hehe

well, the thing is...up to you lah...even me myself bukan good enough utk bercerita psl, at least..when time comes to the right one...fikirlah yg terbaik

lastly, maaf jika post kali ni wat sesiapa terasa...saye lg terasa dgn ape yg korang ckp tu..

Small Iftar

supposely i updated last nite bout this small gathering, but since got bad headache++xde mood coz of sumething...then, finally i decide to postpone it this morning...^_~
first & foremost, nk mintak maaf byk2 ats ketaklancaran majlis smlm..aish,
pposed it should be made by a proper plan, but then since everybody got test, etp, projects to be settle done b4 balk there it goes!~
i noe myb others x buat mcm ni...macam mana????

bwe makanan sendiri2 & tempat yg last minute camnie...hehe...
well, i have reasons for doing this way...

1- dont want to burden others for food preparation...nnt kena pungut duit lg...then kalo bajet sume dtg, last2...xd tg sume mnde tu akan jd rugi
2- kalo tempah food, by the end..kena ader org yg stayback utk kemaskan brg2.sedagnkan kt pk utk guna mase utk terawih & solat lg..hrmm..mcm2 lah...-__-"

3- lps makan, msg2 handle plastik smpah sendiri2...pastu pakat2 g smyg magrib.. hopefully xde org smyg lewat r smlm..^,^]

..hehe..thats laa antara reasonsnye..ader myb biar saye jek
yg tahu..wehehe
maaf yer kalo ader yg sayer perasan mengerutkan kening mrk smlm
..hehe...MAAF for a million of lemons!~
deeply sorry for everything...

anyhow, bukak pose tu still bg saye MERIAH lg r..makan ramai2, share makanan...
to those yg derma makanan & minuman..semoga Allah SWT mem
berkati kalian..aamin..=)
x complete if takde gmbr2..sory laa..pitcs were not so nice & sh

utk Hamzah & Nuzul(for ur efforts n helps)
KA, Muneer & HICOM len...
sume ECs & komiti yang hadir

maaf di atas kekurangan...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

jadilah diri yg sebenar....

hari ni dh genap 18 hari berpuasa...maknenyer bile kire2 ader lg 12 ari nk abis bulan Ramadhan ni...sedeynyer..T_T
hurm, harap2 saye dpt guna sebaik mungkin di hari2 terakhir bulan ni..insyaAllah..
setiap org ader target msg2, me as well..& biarlah ia jd private..^^

act, byk sgt mnde yg nk sayer tulis kat sini...ader sedey, geram..personal pon ader..whee~
tp bile pk2 balik..xpelah..yg sedey tu just keep inside.huuu...
yg personal pon, kekalkanlah status 'personal' tue..means ia adalah private!!
tp, this time saye nk tulis psl (siler refer title...)

tak tahu r nape lately saye rase cam diri saye berubah...ader sumething yg x kena...dl, saye bukan camni..saye x happy dgn diri skrg..perubahan yg saye sendiri tercari2 punca nyer...dimanakah???
kenapa saye jd begini...owh tidak....T_T

bila sayer pk balik..saye byk ikut perasaan..Allah x kc mcmnie...mujahadahlah wahai hati...~
dulu kau kuat...menongkah setiap arus dgn hati yg tega..
yang x pernah tunduk pd permasalahan...
yg mampu berdiri sendiri....
yg bisa berkira2 tanpa perlu minta pendapat org lain...
yg apabila diminta penjelasan, die mampu menghuraikan...
hati sebegitulah yg sebetulnya milik at
ikah saari...bdk kampung yg punya cita2 utk terbang di langit biru...
tp kini...
die semakin lemah...
dier semakin bergantung pd ssorg...
dier rase dier perlukan ssorg atau sst utk ceriakan hidup dier...
dier rase dier perlu semangat dr org lain...
dier rse die lemah sbb sikit2 perlu mengadu....

KENAPA dier berubah sebegitu....
Tikah Saari bukan begitu...tlglah..
tikah pulanglah pd diri yg sebenar
jglah diri sebenar...
yg kuat, gigih dan tabah...dan sentiasa tersenyum pd setiap permasalahan hidup....

Sunday, September 14, 2008


erk..jgn terkejut bile saye upload gmbr mcm nie..hehe
nway, this my new wallpaper..x pnh2 hayat saye pakai wallpaper camnie..
tp sekali tgk cam cumey lak, cam masuk jek ngn lappy saye yg berkaler itam nie..hoh0~
jgn lak pk saye in love with sume1 skrg wpon...dkt status gtalk sayer tertulis..
"i'm in love..."<---- itu tidak benar @ betul sama sekali...

saye pon smpai ke ari ni dok tertnyer2 senirik..camne status tu ley ader n tertulis kat my status...
aishh ...-________-"

p/s: sgt geram ngn ape yg berlaku....haha

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

my 21st birthDay...

salam utk semua..
syukur byk2 kpd DIA yg masih memberi peluang buat saye utk terus bergelar sbg khalifah atas muka bumi yg luas ni... dan yng pasti setiap hela tafas yg disedut & hembus keluar ini adlah nikmatNYa yg tak terucap. Alhamdulillah
1st of all, special thanks or million of thanks for my best Budss

[rumet, azreen, aimi, ilya, dina] for all cakes yg korang belikan...having two cakes on my birthday xpernah terpk n def wat sayer ternganga..whee~~(ape yg berlaku ni???
...but sgt SweET guys!!~)
walaupun semalam adalah my birthday, satu hari tu x rse pon, sbb tersgt bz dlm ke
pala..ngan ETP ngn project Mecha..-_________-"

n sempat agie terpk dlm hati, ni br umur 21thun, x keja agie..pasni mest x rase dh smbut birthday..;(
dlm kepala asek pk psl keja n idop.hoho T__T
but, then...bila mlm sumething happen without expctation,huhu..terharu guys...

"terima kasih utk aimi yg belanja bukak pose kat v3, azreen yg yg jemput bukak pose kat bilik dier with kek yg comey, dina & ilya yg ttb dtg ngn surprisenye wish & bwe kek lps smyg isyak..hoh0!!~...

then, juge bundle of lurVe buat mereka berlima..
[akmal asra, ridz, sadiq, nuzul & ilya utk birthday card yg mcm 'giant']
hehe....card tu sgt cumey la..wat sayer trsenyum smpai ke telinga..hihu!~

jugak utk gift tu....pndai ek korang plih, n hebat tol kenakan akak yg tgh mamai kat v3 tu..aish....
korang yg mmg best...lurve you much i do.........!!!!!!!!

haha...x lupe juger kpd mrk yg mengingati hari lahir saye..yg wish kat gtalk,yg anta sms, yg wish face to face....yg sampaikan sms dr jauh, y anta sms x bernama n so on....THNKS ALOT sbb menceriakan hari saye n korang act telah menceriakan hidup saye selama ni...hnya Allah yg mampu membalas nye...^^V

utk Mak & Ayah:
kah ucapkan jutaan penghargaan sbb didik, besarkan, sayang dan semua yg mak ayah buat selama ni...azreen kate when i turn to 21st..i'm free...dh ley ngundi, dah ley dpt hak harta pusaka, dh ley kena lokap kalo against law(nauzubillah..huhu)..with this age...i become as org ker??
ntah r...x pasti lak...hehe ^^
dewasa ke sayer??? itu x pasti...whee~

at this age, Allah kurniakan saye mcm2...ade keluarga yg cukup sempurna..ader kwn2 baek yg mmg betol2 baek...dan......^^V
semoga ape yg saye ader hari ni, Allah kekalkan dan tambh dgn kebahagiaan laen..aamin..

p/s: happy Birthday juge buat NADIA..kter kembar tapi laen tahun laaaa..^_^V

Saturday, September 06, 2008

birthday & yg BUZy

akhirnya dpt gak saye update blog..aish lama tol x,pagi ni dtg nk bersihkan sawang r sikit..ekeke~
yup2, this week mmg bz..terlampau kot.yesterday jek ader 2 test.mecha ngn econs..
mecha: no comment..(agak kecewa..sgt kot)
econs: no comment gak.huhu

ape2 pon, alhamdulillah sbb bile weekend jek mnjelang, maka secara x langsungnya..dh siap!!~

-2lab reports..[fluid ngn mantech project]
-4 tests dh abis [cae+mecha+mantech+econs]

-asgmt fluid yg ttb dpt tahu kena anta esoknye..but then lps mintak ngn Prof VJ, akhirnye tunda lg esok arinyer..fuhhs~~
-asmgt econs yg mula2 x reti nk wat..aishh..
-asgmt vibration yg half way ^^V
-design ETP ngn keja2 research nie
-rector yg ttb mintak budjet CONVO!!...adei..bukan keja saye tue kot...-____-"
p/s: tq to KAMAL sbb tlg aritu..nsb bek..
lega y
g teramat..sgt2 lega...wpon act mmg byk lg keja yg menanti..PASRAH LA HIDUP GINI...

hurm, ape yg nk tulis ek????act, i'm deeply in homesick..wallaaa...betapa n betapa sayer merindui mak ngn ayah.dh seminggu lebey x call mrk..reason why i'm doing so coz..nnt dieorg akan tnyer TE
ST cane???haaa..part ni yg x mo jwb..sbb test sume cam ntah pape jek.(workload yg tersgt byk mse test n honestly xde mase nk prepapare utk test...) if can, saye x nk btau mnde2 cani pd parents. yang sedey2 tu simpan jek sorang2..yg happy br share ngn org..T_T xpe2, sayer anggap sume ni just beginning...Oyama ckp ade chance lg..;D
p/s: tQ2x sbb ko selalu jd tempat rujukan ak...;P
ops, sekadar utk suke2..ader birthday 2 org lately..dh belated pon...wee~

EPy BElated Birthday utk SAdiq ngn Ilya.....;D

ilya.. 31st August

\^^/..sadiq- 2nd September

utk dier...thnks for everything...reli appreciate ur cares &......haha~ ^^V
bundle of lUrVE from me to evryone!!!chaoss..